正规博彩平台在线 offers the same 内布拉斯加大学 degree 在线 as you would receive as an on-campus student. With small class sizes and instruction from credentialed full-time faculty who are committed to quality teaching, 你获得了一个有价值的, 个性化的教育.
As an 在线 student, you'll join a community of over 2,000 正规博彩平台 peers in 在线 programs. 正规博彩平台的真正与众不同之处, 然而, is its commitment to providing an outstanding education in a small and personal setting. Our low faculty/student ratio and high number of courses offered allow students from across the globe to form a close-knit, 支持社区.
正规博彩平台's 在线 graduate programs rank high on multiple national rankings and number one for "Best 在线 Master's in Nebraska!正规博彩平台的在线STEM教育M.S.Ed.,英语M.A.历史硕士.A.健康科学硕士.S., and Teacher 教育 master's programs all secured rankings within the top ten.